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Silke Willrett

Costume Designer

Silke Willrett
© Rafale Kroetz

Silke Willrett's back at Oper Frankfurt, where she worked on Christof Nel’s production of Hartmann’s Simplicius Simplicissimus, Johannes Erath’s Verdi’s Otello and Tatjana Gürbaca's Dallapiccola’s Ulisse (»Rediscovery of the Year 2022« at the International Opera Awards) for her new production of Halévy's La Juive. She studied set and costume design with Jürgen Rose and the History of Art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart. She has been working as a set and costume designer since 2001 at theatres including the Staatsoper Berlin, Cologne Opera, Theater Bremen, the Deutsche Oper am Rhein, Aalto Theater in Essen, Vlaamse Opera Antwerp/Ghent, the Théâtre de la Monnaie in Brussels, Nederlands Opera in Amsterdam, the Grand Théâtre de Genève, Zurich Opera and the Salzburg Festival, with directors including Tatjana Gürbaca, Christof Nel, Andrea Breth, Hendrik Müller, Jörg Behr and Jan Essinger. She was nominated several times for Set & Costume Designer of the Year by Die Deutsche Bühne and Opernwelt. She also uses her artistic skills presenting annual touring productions as a member of »Linienscharen«.