Ensemble, Guests, Opera Studio & Teams

 Opera Studio 

Oper Frankfurt’s aim when the Opera Studio opened in 2008/09 was to help young singers embarking on a career by actively supporting them, providing professional teachers to help them hone their skills and, possibly, building a long term relationship with some of these highly qualified young artists.

A splendid concert in 2018 to celebrate the Opera Studio's first 10 years was living proof that our work has paid off, especially when one looks at the international careers enjoyed by Alumnis including Iurii Samoilov, Kihwan Sim and Paula Murrihy - who joined the studio when it began and also returned for the title role in a new production of Fauré's Pénélope. Francisco Brito returns in 2021/22 to sing Giannetto in La gazza ladra.

Members of the Studio enjoy taking part in masterclasses run by legendary regulars including Brigitte Fassbaender, Hedwig Fassbender, Edith Wiens, Neil Shicoff and the accompanist Helmut Deutsch.

Young singers, who have completed their training, are invited to apply to audition for the Opera Studio. Please send:

- an up to date c.v. (including date of birth)
- an up to date photograph
- a list of roles you have studied or sung
- a recent recording of 3 arias or Lieder - one of them sung in German, if possible

Deadline for applications to join in 2026/27 is February 28 2026

We receive a vast number of applications each year so will only be in touch with you if you're being considered to audition. The material you have sent will be not be returned.

click for application form

MEMBERs OF THE OperA studio 2024/25

Idil Kutay, soprano
Julia Stuart, soprano
Cláudia Ribas, mezzo-soprano
Abraham Bretón, tenor
Andrew Kim, tenor
Sakhiwe Mkosana, baritone
Morgan-Andrew King, bass


Bernd Loebe & Thomas Stollberger
Felice Venanzoni  Head of Artistic Development
Angela Rutigliano coach / pianist

email: opernstudio@buehnen-frankfurt.de

This project has been made possible by generous support from the Deutsche Bank Stiftung, the Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt am Main and the Frankfurt Patronatsverein (Patrons) - Sektion Oper & Stiftung Giersch.