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August Zirner


August Zirner
© Kai Struwe

The US American-Austrian actor August Zirner, who is making his debut at Oper Frankfurt with the role of Bassa Selim in this revival Mozart's Die Entführung aus dem Seraglio, has taken part in more than 120 films. He was born 1956 in Urbana, Illinois, son of an Austrian emigrant, where he grew up. After graduating from high school in 1972 he joined the Max Reinhardt drama school in Vienna, where he made his debut at the Volksoper in 1980. This was followed by engagements at renowned theatres including the Kammerspiel in Munich, the Burgtheater in Vienna, the Theater in der Josefstadt and Schauspielhaus in Zurich. A fine musician, he also tours Germany and neighbouring coutries with his music programmes, often playing pieces on his flute. His best known films include Volker Schlöndorff's Homo Faber (1991), Margarethe von Trotta's Das Versprechen / The Promise (1994), Rainer Kaufmann's Stadtgespräch / Talk of the Town (1995) and Die Apothekerin / The Female Pharmacist (1997), Caroline Link's Pünktchen und Anton (1999). In the 2000s he appeared in films including Das Sams (2001) directed by Ben Verbong and productions for television including Rainer Kaufmann's Die Kirschenkönigin / Queen of the Cherries (2004) and Heinrich Breloer's Speer and Him (Hitler) (2005). He won the Grimme prize for his acting in Züli Aladag's Wut / Anger (2006). He also took part in Stefan Ruzowitzky's Oscar winning film Die Fälscher / The Counterfeiters (2007). He recently appeared on screen in Colonia Dignidad (2015), Sandra Nettelbeck's Was uns nicht umbringt / What doesn't Kill Us (2016), Oliver Haffner's Wackersdorf (2018), a three-part TV happening Gladbeck (2018) and Josef Rusnak's Requiem for a Friend (2021). His most recent film, Schweigend steht der Wald / The Wood Stands Silent, was first screened at the 2022 Berlinale and he recently took part in the film Ein ganzes Leben / An Entire Life, directed by Hans Steinbichler and Herrhausen – Der Herr des Geldes (Ruler of Money), directed by Pia Strietmann for ARD (television).