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Bianca Andrew (mezzo-soprano) & Anne Larlee (piano)


»Ages of Woman«

Bianca Andrew drew astonishing portraits of protagonists in Frankfurt recently, including Handel's Sesto (Giulio Cesare in Egitto), Aurelia in Vito Žuraj's Blühen / Blossoming (»World Premiere of 2023«), the Tsarina (Christmas Eve) and the title role in Handel's Xerxes. Much loved by our audiences you now have the chance of hearing her in recital in the main auditorium with Anne Larlee in a programme about of all kinds of women. Anyone who's heard this New Zealand born artist with her crystal clear voice on stage, knows how she strives for integrity with every note and every emotion. We look forward all the more to her interpretation of the female soul and highlight the questions, challenges , complexities and beautiful things it takes to be a woman.

They perform works by Hugo Wolf, Charles Ives, Francis Poulenc, Jake Heggie, Jenny McLeod & Dorothy Freed.