Ensemble, Guests, Opera Studio & Teams

Bianca Andrew


Bianca Andrew für Spielplan
© Barbara Aumüller

New Zealand born mezzo-soprano Bianca Andrew joined the ensemble at Oper Frankfurt in 2019/20. Roles here last season included triumphant Sestos (role debut) in a new production of Handel's Giulio Cesare in Egitto and Tebaldo in Don Carlos. During the 2024/25 season you can her in recital, as a Dresser, Schoolboy and Groom & Bonté in new productions of Berg's Lulu & Magnard's Guercœur, the Tsarina in Rimsky Korsakov's Christmas Eve (»Performance of the Year« Opernwelt magazine 2021/22 - get the DVD!) and Adalgisa in Norma. Other recent successes in Frankfurt have included the title roles in La Cenerentola and Xerxes, Hänsel in Hänsel und Gretel, Aurelia in Vito Žuraj's Bluhen / Blossoming, (»World Premiere of the Year 2023«), 5th Maid and Suzuki in a new stagings of Elektra and Madama Butterfly, Laura in Tchaikovsky's Iolanta, her first Preziosillas in La forza del destino, Cherubino in Le nozze di Figaro, Mercédès in Carmen, a Musician, Alkandre, Anna, Enrichetta di Francia & a Waitress in new productions of Manon Lescaut, Fauré's Pénélope, Meyerbeer's L'Africaine, Bellini's I puritani & Schreker's Der ferne Klang / The Elusive Sound, (get the CD! - OehmsClassics). She won the 2016 Song Prize at the Kathleen Ferrier Awards and the 2021 Anny Schlemm Prize. She sang Flamel (role debut) in Fantasio when she appeared at Garsington Opera for the first time in 2019 and Beatrice in Beatrice Cenci when making her debut at the Bregenz Festival in 2018. After studying in New Zealand Bianca Andrew joined the Guildhall School of Music & Drama in London. She returned to New Zealand Opera, where she began her career as an Emerging Artist, in 2017 for concert performances of Manon Lescaut.