Ensemble, Guests, Opera Studio & Teams

Johannes Schütz

Set Designer

Johannes Schütz
© Iko Freese DRAMA

Frankfurt born Johannes Schütz is one of Germany's most influential set designers. The set for our new production of Handel's Orlando is based on one of his designs. Now he's back in Frankfurt, where he recently worked on new productions of Verdi's Stiffelio directed by Benedict Andrews (with whom he staged works including Groß und Klein / Great and Small in Sydney, La Bohème in Amsterdam and Medea at Komische Oper Berlin) and From the House of the Dead - which is being revived this season! - for this new production of Henze's The Prince of Homburg. Luc Bondy was an important colleague, for whom he designed sets for Marivaux’ Les Fausses Confi dences at the Théâtre Odéon in Paris and the world premiere of Dalbavie's Charlotte Salomon at the Salzburg Festival. His many years spent working with Jürgen Gosch resulted in productions including Macbeth at the Schauspielhaus in Düsseldorf (Gold Medal from the Quadriennale Prague) and Onkel Wanja / Uncle Vanya at the Deutsch Theater Berlin. Johannes Schütz has also worked with directors including Dieter Dorn, Hans Lietzau and Ernst Wendt, the choreographer Reinhild Hoffmann and, more recently, with Karin Beier and Johan Simons. He began directing his own productions in 1990, which have included Tristan und Isolde and La clemenza di Tito in Kassel and Ariodante in Salzburg. Johannes Schütz was on the board of directors at the Schauspielhaus in Bochum from 1986-1992. He won the 2010 FAUST Theaterpreis and Nestroy Theaterpreis. He has been teaching set design at the Kunstakademie in Düsseldorf since 2010. His books include Bühnen/Stages 2000-2007 (2008), Modelle & Interviews 2002-2015 (2016) and The Interruption (2022)