Clemens Walter
Clemens Walter, born 1981 in the Nordschwarzwald, is a video artist and film editor who is making his debut at Oper Frankfurt with Matthew Wild's new production of Tannhäuser. He studied at the Film University in Babelsberg. The result of his work has been seen at film festivals all over the world and his video installations on display at places including the Jewish Museum in Berlin. He has been designing videos for theatre, performance, live-film and concerts since 2004. Film sequences, animations, 3D mappings resulted from these which have also been used by mixed-reality technology and artificial initelligence. He created lavish projections and video installations, sometimes with more than 30 cameras, at the Berlin Volksbühne's Prater and 2,3 kilometre long video LED strips for Schauspiel Frankfurt. He has worked closely with directors Roger Vontobel, Christian Friedel and Jonas Knecht for many years and with other directors including Armin Petras, Vegard Vinge & Ida Müller, Volker Lösch and Anne Lenk.