Dominic Betz
Dominic Betz was born in Frankfurt, where he graduated from the University for Music & the Performing Arts before spending four years in the Landestheater in Detmold's ensemble. He's been working as a freelance actor since 2011. Now he's back at Oper Frankfurt, where he has performed Jesus in Handel's Messiah, Arthur in the world premiere of Michael Langemann's Anna Toll and roles in works including Rolf Riehm's Sirens, Stravinsky's A Soldier's Tale, Udo Zimmermann'sWhite Rose, Christof Loy's Norma and, as Basilio, Giordano's Fedora for these performances of Martin Zel's The Huge Word Factory. He recently took part in the world premiere of ICH/ICH/ICH directed by Aileen Schneider at the Landestheater in Detmold and a film, released in 2024 - Blestem (Frame Store Film GmbH) directed by Axel Loh. Other engagements have taken him to places including the Stadttheaters in Gießen, Kassel and Mainz, the Gallustheater, Theater Katakombe and Schauspiel in Frankfurt, the Fliegenden Volksbühne Frankfurt Rhein-Main and the Théâtre TACA and T-LAP Périgueux / in France. Dominic Betz was awarded Detmold Theatre's Best Actor Prize in 2011. in 2019 he took part in Viktor Ullmann's melodrama Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke in Frankfurt's Katharine Church and played the lead role in the 2020 mini TV series Kontaktlos (Hessischer Rundfunk) and was seen in Kaija Kohlstad's film Confession in 2023. He recently took on many lead roles at Frankfurt's Megalomania Theater (including Brecht's Galileo Galilei and Shakespeare's Othello) and the Frankfurt Volksbühne.