Ensemble, Guests, Opera Studio & Teams

Mona Ulrich

Costume Designer

Mona Ulrich
© Philip Lethen

Mona Ulrich was born in Bern and has been working as a freelance costume designer in opera, drama and film since 2010, in Germany, Austria, Norway and Switzerland, at theatres including the National Theatre in Oslo, the Staatsoper in Hannover, the Schauspiel and Opera in Dortmund, the Schauspielhaus in Hamburg, the Berlin Ensemble, the Volksbühne in Berlin and Burgtheater in Vienna with directors including Thorleifur Örn Arnasson, Ed. Hauswirth, Marcus Lobbes and Claudia Bossard. She has worked with Kay Voges for many years: his production of Die Borderline Prozession in Dortmund, for which she designed the costumes, was invited to the 2017 Berlin Theatertreffen (a big honour); a nomination followed for a DER FAUST German theatre priize. Einige Nachrichten an das All / Some News from Outer Space, also in Dortmund, won 2nd prize at the 2013 Sunset Film Festival in Los Angeles for the best experimental film and was voted best production at the 2013 NRW-Theatertreffen. She has been working at chief costume designer at the Volkstheater in Vienna since the beginning of the season.