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Sebastián Andrés Camaño Saavedra


Sebastián Camaño Saavedra
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Born in Chile, he studied conducting with Stefan Blunier at the University for Music and the Performing Arts in Mannheim. He completed his piano studies at the University in Chile in 2016. Next season, as part of the Conducting Fellowship Academy, he will be assisting Chief Conductor Michael Francis. These performances of The Huge Word Factory for Oper Frankfurt will be followed by accompanying Stage Fright, another Opera for Children, on tour. He has worked as a coach on many productions at Theater Heidelberg. In 2020 he conducted Donizetti's Rita, the first opera at Leipzig Opera after corona shutdown and worked as a coach at the Pfalztheater in Kaiserslautern in 2022. He also leads Chile's Fundación de Orquestas Juveniles e Infantiles youth symphony orchestra, Valparaiso, and works as a guest conductor in Chile with bodies including the UDEC Symphony Orchestra, the Orquesta Sinfónica de Antofagasta, the OSULS Symphony Orchestra, the Ensemble Solistico de Santiago and led Bach cantatas for solo-bass with the Bach Santiago Ensemble and Christian Senn as soloist. Sebastián Camaño Saavedra was granted scholarships by the Ibáñez-Atkinson Stiftung (Chile) and Live Music Now Rhein-Neckar and has taken part in masterclasses held by people including Rodolfo Fischer, Matthias Foremny, Johannes Schläfli, Nicolás Pasquet, Leonid Grin, Will Humburg, Andreas Spering and Rainer Mühlbach.