Prof. Dr. Carlo Masala
Professor for International Politics, miliary expert
After studying political science and German and Romanian philology Carlo Masala gained his doctorate with thesis on German Italian relationships during the years 1963-1969; he was awarded the Venia Legendi for political science in 2002. After working as a professor at Munich's Ludwig Maximilian University's Geschwister Scholl Institute he joined NATO's Defence College in Rome in 2004, where he starting working as a research advisor and was made Deputy Director of their research department in 2006. He has been teaching international politics at the German Federal Armed Forces University in Munich since 2007. He also co-edits the Newspaper for Politics (ZfP), the Newspaper for International Relationships (ZIB) and Newspaper for Strategic Analysis (ZfSA), is a member of the Federal Academy for Security Policy's scientific advisory board and a permanent expert advisor on the German Bundestag's Enquete Commission for matters in Afghanistan. He has been co-hosting Sicherheitshalber podcasts since 2018 and his book: Weltunordnung. Die globalen Krisen und die Illusion des Westens (World Disorder. Global crisis and the West's Illusion) in 4th edition (C.H. Beck) was published in 2022. He has been heard on regular stern podcasts on Ukraine – die Lage (the situation) since March 2022.