Jonathan Pickers
lighting designer
Jonathan Pickers trained at the Städtische Bühnen Frankfurt as an event technician from 2009 – 2011, qualifying for his masters in stage/studio in 2013 and lighting in 2014. He worked in the Frankfurt Kammerspiele from 2011 – 2014 before moving to the Staatstheater in Darmstadt as assistant to the technical director and head technician in the Kammerspiel there. In this capacity he lit productions including Kleist’s Der Prinz von Homburg in 2015 (which was invited to the Festival Radikal Jung at the Volkstheater in Munich). He started working as production manager at Hessen’s State Ballet in 2017 and has in charge of lighting at the Bockenheimer Depot since 2019, so is back with his old family the Städtische Bühnen in Frankfurt. He lit productions put on in the Depot which were filmed for streaming in 2021 during the corona lockdown, and Schauspiel Frankfurt’s 2022 Share! Festival. He lit his first opera last season, a new Britten double bill in the Bockenheimer Depot, where he designed the lighting for the recent new production of Mozart's early opera Ascanio in Alba (dir: Nina Brazier) and this production of Wolfgang Fortner's Don Perlimplín's Love for Belisa in his Garden (dir: Dorothea Kirschbaum).