Ensemble, Guests, Opera Studio & Teams

Paolo Fantin

Set Designer

Paolo Fantin
© Agentur

The Italian set designer Paolo Fantin enjoyed great success when he worked at Oper Frankfurt for the first time on our unforgettable production of Schreker's Der ferne Klang / The Elusive Sound in 2018/19, which was followed by this production of Rossini's Otello a year later.  He has worked regularly with the director Damiano Michieletto and costume designer Carla Teti since 2004, most recently on works including Aida at the Bayerische Staatsoper in Munich and Les contes d'Hoffmann in Sydney. Productions have been seen at leading European opera houses and festivals,  including the Teatro La Fenice in Venice,  La Scala Milan, the Teatro Massimo in Palermo, Zurich Opera, the Theater an der Wien and Vienna State Opera, Royal Opera House Covent Garden in London, Nationale Opera Amsterdam, Théâtre de la Monnaie in Brussels, the Staatsoper Unter den Linden in Berlin and the Salzburg Festival. He was awarded the 2011 Franco Abbiati prize for Rossini's Sigismondo at the Rossini Opera Festival Pesaro, Don Giovanni at the Teatro la Fenice in Venice, and Madame Butterfly in Turin. Paolo Fantin studied at the Accademia di belle arti in Venice.